Wow, it's been almost a year since I last blogged. We're now expecting our 3rd child. Again, we're waiting until baby is born to find out if we're having a boy or girl. The girls have grown a ton in the last year and are starting to really enjoy playing together.
Sydney is talking so much now and can say so many words. She's got her own funny little personality. She's pretty easy-going still but can sure be stubborn when she wants to be.
Allie amazes me every day with the way she says things and the big words she's started using. She can't wait for this baby to be born and is really hoping for a brother but says she'll still love a new sister.
Here are some recent pictures of our little cuties.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Friday, June 11, 2010
How I Love You
I was inspired by these adorable little clipboards that my friend made for her girls. Each one tells of some of the things that she loves about each of them. So, even though I don't have space in their room to display a cute little clipboard, I thought I'd blog it for Allie and Sydney to one day read.
- I love your sweet features--your blue eyes, pouty lips, and dark lashes.
- I love the ringlets in your long hair.
- I love the hilarious things you say. I could fill books if I wrote down every funny thing you said.
- I love when you are sweet to your sister.
- I love when you help set the table.
- I love your singing. I could listen to you sing for hours.
- I love that you're a little social butterfly (like me).
- I love when you play pretend with your dolls.
- I love that you love to read.
- I love that you're a tomboy and a girly girl too.
- I love that you love to go to church.
- I LOVE when you hug and kiss me.
- I LOVE when you unprompted tell me, "I love you, Mommy."
- I love that you can spend an hour playing in the bathtub.
- I love that you are such a family girl and that your cousins are your best friends.
- I love when you crash in the car after a fun, full day. It reminds me that you're still a "baby" in some ways.
- I love the sweet compassionate girl you are.
- I love that you are such a cuddler.
- I love you for being you.
- I love being your mommy.
- I love the way you smile when you're only slightly amused. A little straight smirk.
- I love the way you crawl.
- I love your dark hair, the green rim in your blue eyes, and your curly lashes.
- I love that you're easily amused by anything and everything.
- I love your crunches.
- I love that you're constantly moving and going.
- I love that you use your feet almost as an extra set of hands.
- I love how expressive your eyes are.
- I love the way your hair curls over your ears and around the back of your head.
- I LOVE your laugh.
- I LOVE when you do your shy little cuddle in to my shoulder.
- I love the sweet way you look at me and touch my face when you're nursing.
- I love that you are so sociable and enjoy watching the kids play.
- I love how sweet you look when you're sleeping.
- I love when you give us a big smile.
- I love the way you squeal and "talk"
- I love the way you respond to your big sister.
- I love when you reach out for me.
- I love you for being you.
- I love being your Mommy.
Back from the Desert
Last week after a 14 1/2 hour drive, we rolled into a hotel in Mesa, AZ at 4:30 in the morning and crawled in to bed around 5:00. Of course, the girls had slept all night in the car and were ready to be up by 7:30. We surprised Tim's parents when we showed up on their doorstep Saturday. Well, little miss Allie showed up on their doorstep, pulled up a chair, and rang the doorbell. The rest of us were hiding behind some trees in the front yard. Grandma couldn't believe who the little girl on her front porch was.
They got to meet Syd for the first time, but she wasn't quite herself. She seemed not to be feeling well. By the time we went to bed at 10:00 on Saturday, we were working on only 3 1/2 hours of sleep over the past 40 hours and I was exhausted. But, Sydney decided that was a good night to scream for 3 or 4 hours. The next 2 days she was the crankiest I'd ever seen her and she had no appetite. Not normal for my chunky monkey. By Tuesday, she'd broken out in a rash, so we called my niece's pediatrician and took her in. Turns out she has an ear infection in both ears. The rash seemed to be eczema that was exaggerated by the heat. The rest of the trip she was a happy perfect little angel. I was so glad Grandma and Grandpa got to see the real Syd. The one that is happy to play for hours, the one that is constantly on the go, the little independent baby we love.
So, this is about how our week went.....
my sister-in-law has asked that we not post pictures of her kids
so we've blurred out their adorable little faces in the pictures below.
Sunday we went to church....
Then to Peter Piper Pizza and the
kids got to play games.
Then off to JP's house to swim.
Our girl LOVES to swim!
Monday we went to a big Memorial Day
buffet and then back to the house to hang out.
Tuesday we went out to the lake. The kids all
had a great time and so did the adults.
(funny Allie story about this at the end)
Sydney was the exception. She did not like
the life jacket and was still not feeling very well.
The lake is beautiful! I love the view we got of
Four Peaks. My favorite mountains in the valley.
Allie and Grandpa had a good swim together.
While Sydney hung out with her big cousin.
Allie loves her uncle!
Wednesday the girls and Tim went shopping and to Jeepers
while Dad went to chemo (doesn't really seem fair, does it?)
Allie and A. rode the rides....ok, I must confess, I rode the rides
too. For those with keen eyes, yes that's me in the white shirt..
riding alone. Oh how embarrassing. You caught me!
Sydney really seemed to like the carousel too.
Where does she get these goofy faces from?
She's easily entertained.
Come to think of it, so is she!
Our two adrenaline-junkies-in-training
This didn't quite do it for this adrenaline-junkie.
Wednesday night was church.
Thursday we went to the mall in the morning.
In the afternoon, Dad went back for the second
day of chemo and we went to our good friend's house
to hang out with them for the evening.
Later that night, Grandma was the first to
Sydney crawl. She's now getting around like crazy!
After a little shyness, K and Allie got along
really well. They had a lot in common. They
both love to play dress up, among other things.
But when it came to swimming...well, you can see how
different they were when it came to that.
Both babies loved the pool but there seemed to be some similarity
between the sisters. K and L were content to splash a little
and just kick back and enjoy the warm water. For some reason,
my girls were all over that water. Even Sydney was slapping
and kicking the water. If only she could swim! Funny thing is,
K and L's parents have a lot in common with us. They love
to do wild and crazy things too. I'm sure K and L will be
little adrenaline lovers too one day. Oh and MAN are they
SUPER cute little girls! You can take my word for it!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Where've You Been?
Well, living my Crazy Beautiful life. I guess it's fair to say I've neglected my blog while doing that. I knew it needed to be updated but kind of figured "what's the point?". I'm not even sure anyone reads this blog. I post pictures on Face. book and kind of figure that my status updates keep people informed on what's going on in our world, which in all honesty isn't anything new. We're busy working and keeping up with two active children.
Since the last time I blogged, Allie has turned 3 and Sydney has become an opinionated 7 month old. Allie is potty-trained (even at bedtime) and has been for months. She has given up her bottle and her paci and is now officially a "big girl". Sydney is eating lots, and I do mean LOTS, of food. She hasn't objected to anything we've given her and even eats whole peas. She has 1 tooth, sits well by herself, and scoots all over the floor to get to her desired destination...usually something Allie is trying to keep away from her. It won't be long before she's crawling.
T is busy with work and working on the many projects that need to be done around the house. The girls and keeping the house cleanish (is that a word?) are enough to keep me busy. Now instead of working full-time, I'm working part-time. We've missed the income, but the extra time it gives me to spend with the girls has been nice.
We recently went to Six Flags. Allie had a blast and Syd was pretty much a perfect angel the whole day.
Here are a couple pictures from the last couple months (in no particular order).
Since the last time I blogged, Allie has turned 3 and Sydney has become an opinionated 7 month old. Allie is potty-trained (even at bedtime) and has been for months. She has given up her bottle and her paci and is now officially a "big girl". Sydney is eating lots, and I do mean LOTS, of food. She hasn't objected to anything we've given her and even eats whole peas. She has 1 tooth, sits well by herself, and scoots all over the floor to get to her desired destination...usually something Allie is trying to keep away from her. It won't be long before she's crawling.
T is busy with work and working on the many projects that need to be done around the house. The girls and keeping the house cleanish (is that a word?) are enough to keep me busy. Now instead of working full-time, I'm working part-time. We've missed the income, but the extra time it gives me to spend with the girls has been nice.
We recently went to Six Flags. Allie had a blast and Syd was pretty much a perfect angel the whole day.
Here are a couple pictures from the last couple months (in no particular order).
Monday, December 21, 2009
Merry Christmas!
We've had a very blessed year. We've been given another year to watch Allie grow and we've welcomed another beautiful daughter in to our family. We are SO thankful for the countless blessings God has given us. The greatest of which is our salvation through a Savior whose birth we celebrate this season.
Thank you God for sending your Son. Since becoming a mom, I've had a little different view of The Father's role in giving His Son. I love my family. I love them more than I can say. But, I wouldn't give my child's life for theirs. I just couldn't. I'm so thankful that even though I am so unlovable, God chose to love me enough that He gave His Son for me. I'm humbled and so blessed to be given such a gift. Don't forget why we celebrate the season of Christmas.
Merry Christmas from Tim, Laura, Alyssa, and Sydney!
Thank you God for sending your Son. Since becoming a mom, I've had a little different view of The Father's role in giving His Son. I love my family. I love them more than I can say. But, I wouldn't give my child's life for theirs. I just couldn't. I'm so thankful that even though I am so unlovable, God chose to love me enough that He gave His Son for me. I'm humbled and so blessed to be given such a gift. Don't forget why we celebrate the season of Christmas.
Merry Christmas from Tim, Laura, Alyssa, and Sydney!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Revival, Harvest Party, and Super Night
This past week we had a great week of revival meetings with Rich Tozour. On Friday night after the service, we had a mini harvest party and then went with the teens to their all night activity--Super Night. After pumpkin and costume contests, games, and ice cream, we joined the teens at Chuck E Cheese. Allie enjoyed all the games and "rides" at Chuck E Cheese. Next was mini golf and then roller skating. I think it was around midnight by the time we went skating. Allie went strong until she finally collapsed in the car on the way home around 1:30am. The teens went back to church for Fear Factor but we all went home and straight to bed. We had a date with the carpet guy bright and early at 7:30, so we needed our beauty sleep.

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