Monday, May 5, 2008

Heart Broken

It's weird how close you can feel to someone you've never met face-to-face. I've been friends with an amazing group of Christian girls for the last three years. We met online as we sought what seemed like an elusive dream for many of be a mom. We've shared our hopes and dreams, our fears, our joys, and our heartaches. These girls mean so much to me. We have a unique and very special friendship. And now, one of these precious ladies is going through the most difficult time she will likely ever face. She and her husband lost their identical twin sons to prematurity. There was nothing they could do to stop her labor and these two beautiful boys were born at just over 23 weeks. How does a mother hold her infant son as he takes his last breath and then almost 24 hours later hold her other infant son as he takes his last breath...and survive? It seems unimaginable to most of us, but God is giving them the strength and grace that only He can give at a time like this. They, of course, are devastated and forever changed. Losing a child is most parents worst fear and they are living that. It's been two months today that these precious boys were born and my heart is just broken for their parents. They are constantly on my heart and in my prayers.

Devon, I don't know if you'll ever read this, but I love you and I'm crying with you.

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