Thursday, October 2, 2008

Allie's 18 Month Stats

Allie had her 2nd set of shots yesterday and developed just a tiny fever. Her legs were sore all day and she didn't want to walk much on them.

She weighed 22 lbs 5 oz which puts her in the 23rd percentile for weight. She is 32 1/2 inches which puts her in the 100th percentile for height. She's up quite a bit in height from last time so we'll see where she falls once she turns two. Her head was in the 65th percentile. Must be all those brains!

1 comment:

Monica H said...

Hi Laura,

Thank your for visiting my blog. I just wanted you to know that I added Arin and Alex to the Remembrance List. I am so very sorry for your losses, but I will acknowledge and remember them. Always.

Monica H