We started the day off with breakfast out with the entire McCullough family. Then we headed out to pick out our Christmas tree. We trudged out in the cold, searching the forest for the perfect Fox Family tree...well, at least one that would be acceptable. We finally found it on our third stop. But by then, the snow that had started to fall and the cold that was stinging her tiny little hands had put Allie in a bad mood. Once we got her loaded in the car and got her warmed up her mood turned around.
While Tim unloaded the car and I put things away, Allie was happily playing until she locked herself in our bedroom. She started pounding on the door, "Mommy, mommy!" We couldn't find the key so it took us about 10 minutes to get her out. I think she was actually having fun in there and she never panicked.
Then, we went Christmas shopping and had a blast...Allie cried when I pulled her away from a toy she was playing with, making a total nuisance in Toy's R Us. Then, she got behind a big wooden kitchen set (in the box) and pushed it on to the floor. I'm sure the entire store could hear it hit the floor. As she turned to run, she hit her head on the corner of one of the metal shelves and put a whole in her forehead....and of course, the screaming started. Then, I dumped fishy crackers all over the floor and Allie tried to step on them. All I could think was, "we have to get out of here." People must think I'm a terrible mother...I'm sure I would agree with them if I was standing in their shoes at that moment. While Tim checked out, Allie dumped fishy crackers all over the checkout floor. What a disaster. Big Lots and Wal-Mart were a lot less dramatic and we made it home without too many more incidences.
Allie was so tired that she fought going to sleep. She screamed and cried and threw a fit when we left her in her crib...and then we heard a "thud". A few seconds later we heard pounding on the door of her bedroom. She learned to climb out of her crib that night. She hasn't done it again since Saturday but I'm sure she will the next time she doesn't want to sleep. Overall it was a fun day but I was certainly glad to finally put my head on my pillow that night!
I just love the pic of Elise and Allie, so cute! I'm very jealous of the snow, how fun!
Thanks, Emily...but that's Claire. :) I'm sure that's what you meant.
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