Monday, November 2, 2009

Pumpkin Farm Fun

We took the kids to the pumpkin farm on Tuesday. Allie had a blast and she was a perfect angel the whole time. She loved everything! Her favorite activity was the big blue slide. She would have ridden that 100 more times if I'd let her. We had lunch and treats there, fed the goats, jumped on the hay bales, rode the three slides, panned for marbles, picked a sunflower, rode the train, rode the hay ride, and of course picked a pumpkin.

Grandma and Madolyn
Allie and the pumpkin of choice

Me and My Girl

Allie loved the marbles!

Sarah and my adorable niece and nephews

Isn't Maddie adorable with her little pigtails? :)
I love the way she's feeding this goat. Check out the hand on the goat's jaw. lol!

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