Friday, April 30, 2010

Where've You Been?

Well, living my Crazy Beautiful life. I guess it's fair to say I've neglected my blog while doing that. I knew it needed to be updated but kind of figured "what's the point?".  I'm not even sure anyone reads this blog. I post pictures on Face. book and kind of figure that my status updates keep people informed on what's going on in our world, which in all honesty isn't anything new. We're busy working and keeping up with two active children.

Since the last time I blogged, Allie has turned 3 and Sydney has become an opinionated 7 month old. Allie is potty-trained (even at bedtime) and has been for months. She has given up her bottle and her paci and is now officially a "big girl". Sydney is eating lots, and I do mean LOTS, of food. She hasn't objected to anything we've given her and even eats whole peas. She has 1 tooth, sits well by herself, and scoots all over the floor to get to her desired destination...usually something Allie is trying to keep away from her. It won't be long before she's crawling.

T is busy with work and working on the many projects that need to be done around the house. The girls and keeping the house cleanish (is that a word?) are enough to keep me busy. Now instead of working full-time, I'm working part-time. We've missed the income, but the extra time it gives me to spend with the girls has been nice.

We recently went to Six Flags. Allie had a blast and Syd was pretty much a perfect angel the whole day.

Here are a couple pictures from the last couple months (in no particular order).


Emily Campbell said...

I'm so happy you updated :) Love the pics and the update! I'm still a fan of blogs its just more personal than face book!

Stoney Oaks Retirement Village said...

Great pictures!

Glad we checked to see if you were still doing this.


Love you, Mom & Dad

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