Since Allie was tiny, everything has gone in to her mouth. She loves to chew on rocks and eat sand. Lately, she's been putting things in her pockets to store it for later. I find rocks in the laundry all the time.
Yesterday she discovered a new place to put stuff....her nose. She had shredded a piece of tissue and stuck it so far up her nose I could hardly see it. She came to me sneezing and eyes watering. I was able to get it out without too much trouble and we had the "don't ever put anything in your nose" conversation. I thought she'd learned her lesson, until I caught her two more times with tissue in her nose. Come to think of it, she did get a giant Tick-tack stuck in her nose a couple months ago so maybe it'll take a trip to the emergency room before she learns her lesson.
We can relate! I'm Emily's cousin - we once spent a late night at ER with a bb up our son's nose. The nurse was appalled! She asked where we got the bb - uh, I guess it was on our floor! Oh well!
haha, the nurse must not have been a mom!
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